Become a volunteer

O voluntário de pesquisa clínica tem papel fundamental no desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico. Por meio da sua participação nos estudos clínicos é possível determinar a eficácia e segurançade um medicamento e ampliar as possibilidades de tratamento para determinada doença. 

Para garantir a segurança e os direitos dos voluntários, as pesquisas clínicas realizadas no Brasil são supervisionadas e regulamentadas pela ANVISA, CONEP e pelo CEP ( comitê de ética).

É importante ressaltar que o voluntário sempre será informado sobre todos os procedimentos envolvidos no estudo antes de optar pela sua participação.   

Participating in a clinical trial doesn’t generate any costs for the patient, meaning that, all the procedures, exams and medication administered are the responsibility of the research center. By deciding to participate in the study, the volunteers are closely monitored by a multi-specialty team formed by research physicians, nurses and other health professionals.

Para participar o governo brasileiro exige que o voluntario assine o termo geral de proteção de dados (LGPD).

Check Below some of the benefits of being a volunteer in a research trial:

Free-access to health treatment under research

Possibility of complementary exams without costs

Continuous follow-up with a team of specialists

Contribution to the development of new treatment technologies


To guarantee the safety of the volunteers, the clinical researches performed in Brazil must strictly follow the current legislation.

Below you can find the Participants’ Rights Booklet, a document that provides important information about the protection and rights of research volunteers. 

Clinical Research

After all, what is clinical research?

Clinical Researches are scientific studies that involve the participation of human beings and have the objective of evaluating the safety and efficacy of a medication. Their results contribute to the evolution of scientific knowledge and improvement in the treatments and quality of life of millions of people. 

In Brazil, the conduction of clinical research involving human beings must be submitted to a series of international and national legislations. The studies conducted here are regulated and monitored by the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), along with the National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP) and a Research Ethics Committee (CEP). All of these procedures take place to ensure that the data and results reported have quality and credibility, and that the rights, integrity, and confidentiality of the participants are respected.

 Despite the growth in the number of clinical trials being conducted in Brazil in recent years, there is still a great deal of apprehension surrounding participation in clinical research. We believe in the potential of such research as an alternative to offer the population new possibilities of treatment and a better quality of life.